Selected Publication
Bakhtiar, M., Yeung, T. W. Y., & Choi, A. (2024). The application of neuronavigated rTMS of the supplementary motor area and rhythmic speech training for stuttering intervention. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 1-13.
Bakhtiar, M., Carthery-Goulart, M. T., & Kong, A. P. H. (2024). Neuromodulation of Impaired Spoken Discourse. In Spoken Discourse Impairments in the Neurogenic Populations: A State-of-the-Art, Contemporary Approach (pp. 285-304). Cham: Springer International Publishing.
Bakhtiar, M. (2024). Manifestation of speech disfluencies in preschool Cantonese-English speaking bilingual children. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 1-17.
Bakhtiar, M., Wong, M. N., Shum, H. Y., & Lam, C. K. (2023). The Effect of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation on Stuttering: A Preliminary Report. Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation, 16(1), 227.
Bakhtiar, M., Wong, M. N., Lam, M. W., & McNeil, M. R. (2023). Reading and listening comprehension in Cantonese-speaking people with right hemisphere versus left hemisphere brain damage. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 1-16.
Bakhtiar, M., & Eggers, K. (2023). Exogenous Verbal Response Inhibition in Adults Who Do and Do Not Stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 105957.
Shao, J. Bakhtiar, M., & Zhang, C. (2022) Impaired categorical perception of speech sounds under the backward masking condition in adults who stutter. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research.
Momenian, M., Lau, K. Y. D., & Bakhtiar, M. (2022). Developing psycholinguistic norms for action pictures in Cantonese. Applied Neuropsychology: Adult, 1-8.
Zhang, Y., Pattamadilok, C., Lau, D. K. Y., Bakhtiar, M., Yim, L.-Y., Leung, K.-Y., and Zhang, C. (2021). Early auditory ERPs are modulated by alphabetic literacy skills in logographic Chinese readers.Frontiers in Psychology, 12:663166.
Bakhtiar M., Mokhlesin M., Pattamadilok C., Politzer-Ahles S., and Zhang C. (2021). The effect of orthographic transparency on auditory word recognition across the development of reading proficiency. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:691989.
Momenian, M., Bakhtiar, M., Chan, Y. K., Cheung, S. L., & Weekes, B. S. (2021). Picture naming in bilingual and monolingual Chinese speakers: Capturing similarity and variability. Behavior Research Methods, 53(4), 1677-1688.
Bakhtiar, M., Shao, J., Cheung M.N. & Zhang, C. (2021). Categorical perception of the speech sounds in adults who stutter. Clinical Linguistics & Phonetics, 35 (6), 560-576.
Bakhtiar, M., Wong, M. N., Tsui, E. K. Y., & McNeil, M. R. (2020). Development of the English Listening and Reading Computerized Revised Token Test Into Cantonese: Validity, Reliability, and Sensitivity/Specificity in People With Aphasia and Healthy Controls. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 63, 3743–3759.
Bakhtiar, M., Zhang, C., & Ki, S. S. (2019). Impaired processing speed in categorical perception: Speech perception of children who stutter. PloS one, 14(4), e0216124.
Nilipour, R., Bakhtiar, M., Momenian, M., & Weekes, B. S. (2017). Object and action picture naming in brain-damaged Persian speakers with aphasia. Aphasiology, 31(4), 388-405.
Bakhtiar, M., Jafary, R., & Weekes, B. S. (2017). Aphasia in Persian: Implications for cognitive models of lexical processing. Journal of Neuropsychology, 11(3), 414-435.
Bakhtiar, M., Su I-F., Lee H. K., & Weekes, B. S. (2016). Neural correlates of age of acquisition on visual word recognition in Persian. Journal of Neurolinguistics. 39, 1-9.
Ahangar, A. A., Bakhtiar, M., Mohammadi, M., & Shakeri Kavaki, M. (2016). The Effect of Syntactic Complexity in Terms of Sentence and Clause Structure on the Stuttering Occurrence of Pre-school Persian Speaking Children. Journal of Modern Rehabilitation, 9(7), 115–124.
Bakhtiar, M., & Weekes, B. S. (2015). Lexico-semantic effects on word naming in Persian: Does age of acquisition have an effect? Memory & Cognition, 43, 298-313.
Reichel, K., Ademola-Sokoya G., Bakhtiar, M. et al. (2014). Frontiers of cluttering across continents: Research, clinical practices, self-help, and professional preparation. Perspectives on Global Issues in Communication Sciences and Related Disorders, 4, 42-50.
Bakhtiar, M., Nilipour, R., & Weekes, B.S. (2013). Predictors of timed picture naming in Persian. Behaviour Research Methods, 45, 834-841.
Bakhtiar, M., Ansari, H., & Packman, A. (2011). Translating the Stuttering Severity Instrument (SSI-3) into Persian: Response to Karimi, Nilipour, Shafiei & Howell. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 36, 249-250.
Seifpanahi, S., Bakhtiar, M., & Salmalian, T. (2011). Objective vocal parameters in Farsi-speaking adults with Down syndrome. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 63, 72-76.
Bakhtiar, M., Seifpanahi, S., Ansari, H., Ghanadzade, M., & Packman, A. (2010). Investigation of the reliability of the SSI-3 for preschool Persian-speaking children who stutter. Journal of Fluency Disorders, 35, 87-89.
Dehqan, A., Ansari, H., & Bakhtiar, M. (2010). Objective voice analysis of Iranian speakers with normal voices. Journal of Voice, 24, 161-167.
Bakhtiar, M., & Packman, A. (2009). Intervention with the Lidcombe Program for a bilingual school-age child who stutters in Iran. Folia Phoniatrica et Logopaedica, 61, 300-304.
Seifpanahi, S., Dadkhah, A., Dehqan, A., Bakhtiar, M., & Salmalian, T. (2008). Motor control of speaking rate and oral diadochokinesis in hearing-impaired Farsi speakers. Logopedics Phoniatrics Vocology, 33, 153-159.
Dehqan, A., Bakhtiar, M., Panahi, S.S., & Ashayeri, H. (2008). Relationship between stuttering severity in children and their mother's speaking rate. Sao Paulo Medical Journal, 126, 29-33.​
Bakhtiar, M., Abad Ali, D.A., & Sadegh, S.P.M. (2007). Nonword repetition ability of children who do and do not stutter and covert repair hypothesis. Indian Journal of Medical Sciences, 61, 462-470.